The longest-running medical drama in TV history, ABC’s Grey’s Anatomy was renewed for its 20th season, to be premiered in March 2024. However, over the seasons, many stars portraying central characters have left the show: Patrick Dempsey’s Dr. Derek Shepherd, Sandra Oh’s Cristina Yang, and T.R. Knight’s George O’Malley.
Katherine Heigl in Grey’s Anatomy
Even though the reason for their exit may vary, the stars were fan favorites. We may have missed out on Katherine Heigl playing the believed Izze Stevens, who sparked a significant controversy after she chose to skip the Emmys’ submission in 2008. 14 years after her exit from Grey’s Anatomy, Katherine Heigl reunited with her cast at the 2024 Emmys.
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Katherine Heigl reconciles with Grey’s Anatomy cast at the 75th Emmy Awards
Heigl in a still from Grey’s Anatomy
Monday night was a star-studded affair, and what made it more legendary was the Grey’s Anatomy cast sharing a screen after Season 19 came to a close in May 2023, and Katherine Heigl after years! In 2010, Heigl’s Izzie Stevens left the show after Season 6. The 45-year-old star exited the show two years after her massive Emmys controversy that spiraled from a mere misunderstanding.
Grey’s Anatomy veterans, Ellen Pompeo, Justin Chambers, James Pickens Jr., Chandra Wilson, and Katherine Heigl, were invited on a clinic-themed set-up at the 75th Emmy Awards, to present the award for Best Supporting Actor in A Limited Series on January 15. The evening was extraordinary for Heigl as she reunited with the cast after over a decade of her exit, and 16 years after her Emmys controversy.
Life came full circle, as the Suits star reunited with the cast on the same stage that started a persistent rumour around Heigl. She chose to opt out of the 2008 Emmy’s submission after clinching an Emmy the year prior because apparently, she wasn’t impressed by her performance in that season. She spoke on The Howard Stern Show,
“There was a part of me that thought, because I had won the year before, that I needed juicy, dramatic, emotional material and I just didn’t have that that season.”
Soon after, her statement was blown out of proportion by media outlets. Heigl clarified it wasn’t anticipated, but failed to part ways with the label “difficult” she acquired during the Emmys dispute.
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Katherin Heigl’s unwanted feud with Shonda Rhimes
Katherine Heigl as Izzie Stevens in Grey’s Anatomy
After the Emmys controversy took center stage, mainly deriving criticism towards the writers and creator of the show, Heigl felt the need to explain to Grey’s Anatomy creator Shonda Rhimes, who was also the head writer. Heigl told Howard Stern in the interview,
“I went in ’cause I was really embarrassed. So I went in to Shonda and said, ‘I’m so sorry. That wasn’t cool. I should not have said that’ … I shouldn’t have said anything publicly, but at the time, I didn’t think anybody would notice.”
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Seemingly unaware of her massive influence in the show and the TV sphere, Heigl presumed that her absence from the Emmys’ list wouldn’t be much of a big deal. Following the clarification, the eyes turned toward Heigl, as being a difficult person to work with. This further took a toll on the actress’ mental health and career as well. Eventually recovering from it, the star dazzled in a frilled-red dress at the 2024 Emmys. Grey’s Anatomy Season 20 will premiere on March 14, 2024.