It was veto ceremony day for the Big Brother 26 houseguests, and for the first time this season there was no veto drama. The streak ended, leaving nominations the same with the target for the week seemingly set in stone.
With Chelsie (and Makensy since she’s HOH) pulling the strings this week, their target is Kimo, and that will likely be who is sent off to jury this week. So much of the talk today centered around next week and how Chelsie and Makensy can make sure they both end up in the Final 3. Read on to find out how they see the next week playing out and who they think they can beat in those Final 3 competitions.
Big Brother 26 Live Feed Highlights – Monday, September 30, 2024:
9:05 AM BBT – Houseguests are getting their makeup call.
10:36 AM BBT – Makensy and Chelsie decide that using the veto would be pointless because they don’t think it would really influence Rubina next week. They think that Rubina or Cam take them both to Final 3 so it doesn’t really matter.
10:38 AM BBT – Makensy says that she thinks Rubina will fold under the pressure if she’s Final 3 and they can beat her in those last comps. She says Cam could turn on his comp game though and win something. Chelsie agrees, but says it’s hard to plan until they know who wins HOH next. Chelsie says she plans to gun for HOH just so they don’t have to worry about it.
10:44 AM BBT – Feeds cut for the veto ceremony.
1:20 PM BBT – Rubina says to Kimo she wonders how long Chelsie, Makensy and Cam have had a final 3. Kimo says maybe since Jankie World. She says if Kimo goes this week her only hope is to win HOH or veto next week. She says this makes her sad and that it sucks for the two of them so much.
1:22 PM BBT – Rubina tells Kimo that Makensy says she’s more worried about him and says he’s the more dangerous player. He wonders why anyone would be worried about him. Rubina thinks Chelsie has been calling the shots, even with Makensy’s HOHs.
2:15 PM BBT – Chelsie, Rubina and Makensy are discussing men who come up to them and shoot their shot. They respect it unless the guys are being obnoxious about it.
3:40 PM BBT – Makensy and Chelsie agree that it needs to be the two of them in the Final 2. Chelsie says they worked too hard for it not to be the two of them. Makensy is worried she won’t be able to articulate herself well at Final 2.
3:47 PM BBT – Chelsie is worried about Cam screwing them over. She says he has no blood on his hands and that could benefit him in the final two vote. Chelsie worries Rubina and Cam would take each other to the end. Makensy says she thinks Rubina really does want women at the end.
3:50 PM BBT – Chelsie says her only mindset is winning HOH next week. She says there are no other options.
So it sounds like Kimo is all but gone this week and Makensy and Chelsie are focusing on next week and beyond. And either Chelsie is just trying to make sure Makensy takes her to Final 2 over Cam or she’s actually serious about going to the end with Makensy. It sounds like Chelsie is a little too worried that the fact that Cam has no blood on his hands could help him win the game.
That will be interesting if it ends up coming down to Chelsie to be the one to have to choose between Cam and Makensy.