The Big Brother 26 houseguests are living back inside, it’s nomination day with the same ole usual nominees going on the block, and they were visited by a robot. BB26 is back to normal.
Only this robot wasn’t Ainsley or Jankie, it was the OG – Zingbot. We didn’t get a ton of game talk today because the nominees were informed they are going on the block, and they’ve both been there many times before, so there was nothing really for them to discuss. We will hear more talks after the nominations and before Saturday’s Power of Veto. Read on to find out the planned nominees and how they reacted to the news that they would likely be going on the block.
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Big Brother 26 Live Feed Highlights – Friday, September 20, 2024:
9:04 AM BBT – Houseguests getting up for the day.
9:13 AM BBT – Leah is giving feedsters a lesson on how to make a bed.
9:16 AM BBT – Makensy lets Angela know that Kimo is going up as the target this week and Angela will be a pawn. Angela wants to know how Kimo is a threat. Makensy says Kimo prioritizes Rubina over anyone else.
9:18 AM BBT – Angela is annoyed but not putting up a fight. Makensy says Angela going up is the best bet to make sure Kimo goes. Angela starts to “cry” and says she was hopeful when Makensy won but she understands there are fewer nominee options now.
9:20 AM BBT – Angela wants Makensy that a double eviction is coming up.
10:08 AM BBT – Cam says he heard Leah trying to convince Makensy not to put Angela up. Makensy tells him and Chelsie that Leah wants the two of them out. Cam says and they want Leah out.
10:12 AM BBT – Chelsie says she thinks Leah is trying to keep Angela around to take Makensy out for her.
10:15 AM BBT – Chelsie can’t believe that T’Kor left before Leah. She says she can’t handle how woe is me Leah can be when she has never even been on the block.
10:18 AM BBT – Makensy says she will tell Angela in her goodbye message that Leah talked sh*t about Angela all season. Chelsie says she will tell Angela that on her way out the door this week.
10:20 AM BBT – Cam asks if he should convince Angela to pick him to play veto so that Leah has less of a chance of playing.
10:45 AM BBT – Leah says Quinn is going to be shocked to see T’Kor walk in the jury house. She says he might actually be made because he loves T’Kor but hopes he’s happy Leah won Head of Household.
10:54 AM BBT – Leah is still upset she lasted 10 hours in the HOH competition but didn’t get any of the usual HOH perks.
10:59 AM BBT – Feeds cut to adoptable animals.
11:77 AM BBT – Feeds are back. Zingbot visited. Houseguests discuss their zings.
1:20 PM BBT – Everyone is just hanging out, talking about food.
2:15 PM BBT – Kimo is grilling hotdogs. Leah is working on a salad with salmon.
3:40 PM BBT – Houseguests have served the grilled hotdogs and are eating in the back yard, despite having spent a week living out there.
4:00 PM BBT – Everyone but Makensy is sitting outside chit-chatting. Makensy is in the HOH room listening to music and doing her nails.
4:08 PM BBT – Makensy is worried about jury management. She thinks Angela and Leah will be petty jury members. Chelsie tells Makensy that even if Leah and Angela are bitter there would be enough people to vote the right way if Makensy gets to the Final 2.
4:10 PM BBT – Chelsie and Makensy talk about how annoyed they are with Leah. Chelsie says Cam is really annoyed with her too. They hope Cam can convince Angela to pick him for veto. They think it will be a physical competition that will be harder for Angela to win.
4:25 PM BBT – Feeds cut for the nomination ceremony.
Makensy’s current plan is to nominate Angela and Kimo and let Leah and Angela believe that Kimo is the target while the plan will be to send Angela off to jury. Chelsie, however has been seemingly planting seeds with Makensy all day about Leah. She has also been reminding Makensy that Angela and Leah are just two people and she shouldn’t worry if they’re bitter jurors or not.